
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

summer learning journey week 1 day 4

Activity 1:

1. How did  you learn to climb a mountain.

2. Are you scared of heights.

3. Do you like climbing other mountains.

4. What is your favourite mountain to climb.

5. When did you start climbing mountains.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Moala,

    These are really great questions!

    I would love to see Sir Edmund Hilary's answer to the question "Are you scared of heights". You never know, he could be! The great thing about achieving giant tasks is that you sometimes have to overcome fears. How about you, have you climbed any hills around Auckland? We do have some mountains but only small ones. I really enjoy going up them, Mt Eden is my closest but soon it will be Mount Roskill as I am moving house.

    Well done this week, I'm really impressed.
    Have a great Christmas and talk to you soon!
    - Lee
