
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Moala&Monique Squash Research

On Wednesdays my class and I have a sport called Squash. One of the coach was Jude said that next weekend we are going to be talking about Squash and we are also going to be talking about it. But we decided to do it today! HERE IS THE ACTIVITY THAT MONIQUE AND I DID!!! 

Maths Starters - Mathletics 29/10/2020

Today for maths I started off with Maths Starters my maths starters for today was Mathletics. I was working on compensation addition I am so glad that I got all of my questions right!! HERE IS MY ACTIVITY THAT I DID!!! :)

Monday, October 26, 2020

Moala - Road Safety quiz 2020

In Term 4 2020, my teacher gave us a book it wasn't really book it was basically like a magazine but it was all about safety. My teacher told us to read Road Safety there were six heading on the paper she told us to read all six of them. When we were done reading them we would have to write on our Chromebooks  put boxes onto our google drawing in those boxes we would write the headings on the book that we read onto our chrome books. My teacher told us to write the keywords of the things that we read on the book she told us not to write word for word but say the same meaning but different words. Once we were done doing all of those stuff we would have to blog about it. When we are done blogging about it we have to do a quiz the quiz would be on my next blog. ENJOY READING MY WORK THAT I HAVE DONE!!


Labour Weekend Recount 2020


Labour Weekend 2020

Labour Weekend Recount


Who: My cousins, brothers and I.

What: Playing Among us, playing on the trampoline. :)

Where: At my aunties house.

Why: Because my dad went to his

cousins house and my mum went

out to dinner with her sisters and friends.

How: We went there in my mum’s van.

Labour Weekend Recount

On Monday twenty-six October, my brother, my mum and

I went to my aunties house because my dad went to

his cousin's house and my mum went to dinner with

her sister and friends. My cousins and I were playing a

popular game called Among us and we were also playing on the

trampoline. We arrived at my aunties house in my mum’s van.

First thing we did when we went inside the house was

I went and made myself like I was at home so I jumped onto my cousin's

bed because my back was sore. I sneaked my mum’s phone

so I could play on it. First I was playing a little bit of Roblox

then my cousin Charlotte came and asked me if I wanted to

play AMONG US with them I said OKAY!! So I ran up to my

cousins room and my cousin Charlotte came and told me the

code so I could play with them.

After playing I got a little upset with my brother so I decided to not play.

I went to my cousin’s room and played Roblox .

The game that I was playing on Roblox was Adopt me.

I was bored so my cousins and I went outside to go play on the

trampoline. My cousins and I like to record went we are outside

so we grabbed my mum’s phone and started recording.

We jumped off some of the metal that was above the trampoline

and we also did a challenge where you can’t fall if you fall then you

are eliminated.

Later on from playing on the trampoline we all ran back inside my

cousin’s decided to go to the G.I basketball court and my cousins

and I stayed back. I was watching youtube on my mum’s phone.

I don’t know why but I started watching Kim Liz ASMR.

My cousins were screen mirroring onto the T.V and started watching

Tik Tok and making Tik Tok. After all those arguments we decided to

go outside to get all those fights out of us. We kept doing more of those

jumping off the metal and doing some of the challenges.

Finally we went back inside because we were bored.

While I was watching youtube I looked at the door and saw my dad.

He came inside of the house and went to my other cousin.

We got bored again and decided to go trampoline. We waited until

it was a bit night so then we could go in. I went to the lounge and

surprisingly saw my mum sitting in the lounge. It was really hot so I

decided to eat some Ice - Cream. My mum told me to go and get my

brothers so we could finally go home. We all grabbed our stuff so we

could go home. THE END! :))

Fraction 27/10/2020

Fractions 27/10/2020 

Today for maths my teacher put us into groups, my had to work on a yellow book Level 1 Book 2 Chapter 5 pg. 115. Our first question was "what fraction is shaded" for the picture it showed three circles on the bottom and three circles at the top. On the top circles the middle circle was shaded in black so I had figure out what fraction is shaded. I knew the answer because it was quite easy for me the answer was 1/6. We had more and more question we also had to do some word problems here are some of the word problems that I had figure out. Fran looked after 16 children. 4 of them were boys. What fraction of the children were boys? I knew the answer was 4/16 but you could also put it as a equivalent s so if you would want to put it as an equivalent fraction your answer would be 1/4. After I finished doing all of my work I had to go to the back of the book to check my answers. THAT IS WHAT ID ID FOR MATHS! (I don't have any pictures :()

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Is it ever to late to learn a new language 2020

If you are wondering how to play this game look at my work...

Moala - Recount Writing 22nd October 2020

Today, my class and I had to do writing it was for our test. We had to write about a time we spent with our friends, I wrote about netball because I spent lots of time with my friends there. I also did my planning at the top. ENJOY READING! 

 Moala Recount writing Term 4 22nd October 2020 

Who: My family, friends, teacher, coach, and I.

What: We were playing netball against Remuera.

Where: Netball course in Glen Innes.

Why: Because we were playing netball for St Pius X.

How: We got there in my mum’s van.

Netball Game - 

On Thursday 2020 my family and I went to the Netball Course in Glen Innes, we went to the netball course because my friends and I were playing for the St Pius X netball team. We arrived at the netball course in my mum’s van. We also saw my friends and my teacher and also my coach. I could smell nothing but the fresh air, I could feel the cold wind coming to me, I could hear some people laughing and chatting with each other, I was thinking like we were gonna lose but then I had another thought that we were gonna win.

First Ana and I went to go find where the court was. We couldn't find the court until we could see all of our friends. We ran over there to say hi to every single one of them. We could see them in a line we could also see the parents sitting down. I was looking around to see who else was here and also to see who’s parents or siblings came. Also everyone looked very nice that day. I was whinging a little bit if I 

After that we all had to get into two lines facing each other on line would have to run and catch the ball then pass to the person in front of them. We also started doing some running forward then running backwards, after doing our warm up we could hear the lady talking on the microphone and said it was our turn to play. We were really excited and nervous at the same time.

Later on the players that were playing on the court grabbed their T - shirts that said what they were playing for like D, D stands for defence and A, A stands for attack. I was sub so I was talking and playing around with my friends and brothers who were also there. After the game that they were playing it was time for the sub people to go on and play. I was very nervous because I was playing, I was playing as D we all did a lot of passing and a lot of scoring. In the background there were a lot of cheering and shouting. We had four more games and they were also very good games.

Finally the person who had the scores announced that WE WON!! We were very happy about it. We also gathered together to take a photo, we also took photos with our own families. We all grabbed our things and went back and jumped into our cars or vans happily. THE END!!


When I am doing maths my teacher would normally give us decimals or fractions. We did fractions for this week, for fractions we had to find fraction as a set. So if you are confused on how to find a fraction in a set you are looking at the right thing. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE: There are 24 hours in a day and scientists tell us that we should sleep for 3/8 of the day, How much time should we sped sleeping? 
First you would find what the whole number is which is 24 we are going to be finding our fraction as well which is 3/8. In the fraction the bottom number in maths you would call that a denominator you would divide the whole number with the denominator 24÷8=3 with that 3 you are gonna times that with the numerator 3x3=9 and that's your answer. GOOD LUCK IF YOU HAVE ANY WORK TO DO WITH FINDING FRACTIONS OF A SET!! :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Maths Starters - Mathletics 2020

Today for maths I started off with Mathletics I was working on two different things. THANKS TO MY TEACHER SHE HELPED ME WITH EVERYTHING NOW.... I GOT ALL OF MY QUESTIONS RIGHT (shout out to Ms. Nees - Kairua). ENJOY READING MY WORK!! :)

Monday, October 19, 2020

Mele&Moala - Niue Language week 2020

During this week my class and I have been doing a biography about Niue Language Week. Mele and I are partners so we have been working together. We did work each box with different headings, we also put pictures next to our work to represent our work. When we were done with our work we would normally send it to our teacher well we did do that. Sadly my teacher was not there at the time because she had to go to an appointment. She still thought that our work was amazing. Afterwards she told us to blog our work then put it onto our blog log where we put all of our work! Enjoy looking at my work! :)

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Moala Recount Narrative writing 2020

12 October 2020

Introduction: During the holidays, I am going to be sharing with you what I have done in the holidays. I have not done many things during the holidays so I have put two things that happened throughout the holidays!


Who: Five of my cousins, my auntie, uncle, and myself. NAMES: Mele, Lote, Sita, Tita, Vina, Manu, Finau, and Moala.

What: We were playing a little bit at the park while 

Where: The Kmart in Sylvia Park, we also went to a park (I am very sorry I forgot where the park was.)

When: After eight o’clock on a Thursday night during the holidays!

Why: We went to the park because my cousin did her workout but she wanted to go out and do her workout so we went to the park. We went to Kmart because my uncle needed to get new shirts and my cousin and I wanted to go along with them so we went. My cousin and I also got clothes.

                        The story

12 October 2020

Throughout the holidays, my cousins and I went to a big park far from my house. I was playing in the park while my two other cousins were doing a twelve minute workout. My two cousins were taking a lot of photos because they were amazed by the sunset so they were taking photos, while my cousins were taking photos. I was also amazed by the sunset because it had a bright sun with yellow at the bottom of the big sun. Once we had finished playing at the park and doing a workout we went back home.

When my cousin and I arrived back home my other cousins went to the warehouse to buy clothes. My cousin was watching tik tok while I was sitting down on the mat painting.I was painting because I didn’t want to watch T.V and I think that painting is interesting to do. When my auntie and uncle came back from somewhere they needed to go to Kmart we realised that we knew my other cousins were going to Kmart as well. We wanted to go to Kmart just to buy some new clothes and meet up with my other cousins.


A couple minutes later we went to Kmart in Sylvia Park. We all jumped out of the car. My cousin and I tried to look for my other cousins to see if they were there but there was no sign of them so we just decided to keep on shopping. My auntie told me to get pajamas so after I shower I could wear them. Later on we met with my cousins and we both started looking for new clothes. 

After shopping for new clothes we went back home. My cousin sorted out all of the clothes to put into the pile so when she is done folding it we grab it and put it into our own drawers. When we were finished putting in all of our clothes we all went back to what we were doing! THE END!! :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Moala - New Zealand Shake Out 15th October 2020

Today my school and I did a shake out. You will have to be under the table until the shaking stops. A shake out is when you would hear a bell or a sign to get under the table. Because it is just a practise to get under the table when there is a earthquake.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Moala - Narrative Writing talking about the life of my characters object

  My class and I have been learning about As I Saw It, we also had our own cards at the front of the card its says what object it has. Mine was Blue Glass Beads with my object I also get a card that's about the object. My teacher told us to read the card to see that it says then we would have to do our objects adventure. THIS IS WHAT I WROTE ENJOY!!    

Creative Writing Term 4 2020



My character is Sydney Parkinson,

I am a trinket also known as blue glass beads. I remembered that I first started on a ship called the Endeavour. I like to be put on a long thin white string. Then they put it around their wrist, ankle, or neck.

I don’t know why I was put onto a ship called the Endeavor but when I was in someone's hand I could hear that he was saying he wanted to take me onto shore to show friendship to each other. I heard someone calling his name. It sounded like James Cook so that is what I thought his name was.

When James Cook put me down I  could  see James Cook come back and take lots of me. He gave them out to I think Māori visitors.

I ended up in a room full of children. I was in a bag. I could feel someone lifting me up and putting me on something. I was a little bit scared because I didn’t  know what they were gonna do to me. So I waited peacefully and looked around. 

I saw a  girl come  to me and take me then I felt like I was falling. I looked down and I realised that I was falling. She picked me up and went to another table that looked similar to the other table. She started looking at me weirdly then started typing. I also heard a woman talking ABOUT PINNING OR STABLING ME ONTO A WALL!!!! Then I thought that was the last time here!! (*long sigh*).

Percentages - Understand different types of percentages

In Term 4 2020 my teacher for maths has taught us how to do percentages. A percent is how much things are, like if it is high or low. Did you know that if you separate per cent into per - cent the per means out of one hundred. Have you ever seen a % sign anywhere, I haven;t seen much percent signs anywhere but I have seen them on a couple of phones it shows how much the battery is on your phone. How I worked out my percentages I would first start of with the denominator on my work you can see that my first denominator first starts with a five, next to the five it shows one hundred I have to times five to something to make it to one hundred which is 20 so next to it I would have to put an equal sign then put down. What I did to the bottom I would have to do it to the top, so I have to times 2 to 20 and find out that answer to the nominator. When I have found out the answer to the nominator that is the percentage I would have to put it next to the fractions I have done.