
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Things I do during Lockdown

Things‌ ‌I‌ ‌do‌ ‌during‌ ‌Lockdown‌ 

Normally when it is a normal day I have to get up and get ready,
brush my teeth and wash my face,
after I am done getting ready I make something for me to eat like cereal.
Once I am done eating I have to get my netbook to see what my teachers have given me.

I always go on this app named “Google Meetings” .
I use that app to video call my teachers
if I need help or I don’t know what it means.
When I am done I just watch some YouTube. 

My brother “Laki” always tells us to get outside so we can play
“Turbo Touch” we normally play for like 30 minutes.
Afterwards we get inside before we get inside.
We wash our feet because my parents don't
like it when we get inside with dirty feet,
when I get inside I have to straight away and shower. 

On sunday we also have to brush our
teeth but we don’t really have to get
dressed up but when we have the bread
and wine we have to dress up in our church clothes,
after our Church at home we all head back to our rooms
and take off our church clothes then we lay down in our bedsor
in the lounge then we all watch or play on our devices,
we can’t play outside because for my family when it is a Sunday it is a relaxing day.

That is all, sometimes my house does get boring.Thank you for reading my blog!.

Things‌ ‌I‌ ‌do‌ ‌during‌ ‌Lockdown‌ 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Moala I really like your Storie about your bubble
