
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Summer learning Journey Day 1 Activity 1

  I would like some water to keep me hydrated,
 I would bring me some fruits to keep me healthy,
I would bring fast food because it is just so delicious,
I would bring a pie to keep my taste buds full of food because a pie makes me full. 
I would bring candy because candy keeps my mouth full of sweets,
I would bring mint so my breath doesn't stink.
 I would bring corn because vegetables are very good for our bodies.
I would bring chop suey because I don't really like chop suey but if I bring it with me I might get used to chop suey,
I would bring bread because if we don't have any food we will always eat bread,
 I would bring read sausages because we will always have red sausages for dinner.


  1. Good morning Moala,
    Its me Christopher.
    How are you doing? Your items are great and some are similar to mine.

    But why would you bring chop suey when you don't like it?
    Also why would you bring KFC when you are already bringing fast food?
    Also I live with you and you don't like eating salads so why would you bring it?

    Besides that your doing great! Also you could earn more points by commenting on other peoples blogs and also have a great holiday! Good luck for the rest of the Summer Learning Journey,

    Malo Aupito

    1. Thank you Christopher for telling me but the reason why I would bring chop suey is because I don't really like chop suey but I can eat it and try get use to it. Also you commented why I will bring KFC when I am already bringing fast the reason why is because fast food is really yum so as KFC I now KFC is fast food but I couldn't really think of anything else so I decide to do KFC that is my reasons Christopher hope you have a lovely day.

    2. Kia ora Moala again,

      This is probably my favourite activity in the programme so far! Just because we get to talk about food and I love food. Although right now I’m quite hungry so it’s actually making me more hungry. I just have to wait 40 minutes until my break to have lunch! What’s your favourite food? Mine is probably kumara fries! Or normal fries.

      That is really interesting that you would like to bring Chop Suey because you don’t like it. Is it because your family eats it often? Let me know!

      Keep up the mahi! Have you tried to use different apps? I really love how you used Google Slides but there are so many apps you can use, so give some new ones a try!

